Artist & Founder of Ultimate Mosaics, Wilson E. Lopez, creates exclusive designs that are certified and copyrighted to ensure the authenticity of every piece. He has constructed two handcrafted mosaics for the Island Inn in their Spoonbill Cottage.


The mosaics depict a dazzling array of light and color from the natural beauty of Florida’s pristine Gulf waters and blue skies. The concept was originally developed from two photos captured by Fine Arts Photographer, John Martell. More than 20 colors of crystal, pieces of metallic and iridescent glass came together to portray long legged wading birds that inhabit the Sanibel area. Over 25,000 pieces were individually shaped and cut by hand, taking close to five months to complete. These unique custom works of art have been made to endure for centuries indoors or out.

About The Artist

Wilson-ArtistWilson studied at the Fine Arts School of Honduras where his original medium consisted of oil on canvas. After re-locating to the United States Wilson’s interest shifted to mosaics and other mixed media projects. Since 2012 his gallery in Fort Myers is a space used for designing and creating, as well as teaching others who are interested in the world of mosaic art.

Recently one of Wilson’s pieces was jury selected for an international mosaic competition held by Bisazza, one of the oldest mosaic companies in Italy. His latest work has also been selected for this year’s Big Arts exhibition.

Watching Wilson at work is an incredible experience. He begins with research and careful preparation, considering location, subject, colors and materials.

Every design is created to be personalized expression of elegance, prestige, and taste. Handcrafted details and intricate inlays make every mosaic a unique work of art.

As Wilson creates, his meticulous attention to lines, cut and positioning of each piece evolve into artful pieces that express harmony of form and function, tangible poetry that offers a new dimension in the world of art.